August 23, 2017
A Lot has been happening and it's been hard to keep up with this page! It's been an incredibly fruitful year and I have been having crusades all over the world. Our next crusade is happening in South Asia in just a few weeks! Please agree with us in prayer that many souls come into the kingdom! We will also be planting a church for follow up. I fly out to East Asia in just 4 days for a month long missionary journey and I can't wait to see what the Lord will do. Head to our donate page above to see how you can partner with us to bring in the harvest!
February 18, 2016
I fly out on February 21st to South Asia for my first Gospel Crusade of the year! I will be ministering to an unreached people group who are extremely poor, and in the lowest caste of society. The area is completely dominated by idolatry and unreached. These precious people need an encounter with Jesus. I am working with an apostle in the region and a church will be planted from this crusade! This is very strategic apostolic work.
The actual crusade dates are February 24th -27th, and the church will be planted on February 28th. I was in the area last September ministering at another crusade, and I got very ill, and it was very difficult to minister. This is a very dark area where the gospel hasn't penetrated, and the crusade team and I need a lot of prayer covering. Here are some prayer points:
Prayer points:
1) Salvation for this unreached people group
2) Pray the Holy Spirit would draw the people to the crusade
3) Sings, wonders, and miracles
4) That I preach the gospel under the anointing
5) Protection from spiritual and physical attack
7) Favor with the local authorities
8) Effective follow up after the crusade
Thank you for praying! I will keep you updated.
Together, let's bring in the harvest!
January - February 2016
Last year was the year I stepped out in faith, and starting planning gospel crusades in the nations. I had no money. I just had a big heart for God, and a calling to reach the unreached people of the world. I can honestly say I am amazed at what the Lord has done!
This is what the Lord did through our ministry and crusades in 2015:
43,460 Heard the gospel in unreached nations
20,169 Decisions for Christ (and followed up on)
7 Churches were planted as a direct result of our crusades
6 Pastors conferences with 1,075 leaders
All of this ministry took place in Asia in some of the darkest and unreached countries of the world. If you prayed and partnered with me in 2015 you helped make all of this this possible! Thank you Jesus! The lost are coming to Christ, churches are being planted in unreached areas, and pastors and church leaders are being encouraged and equipped.
If done the right way gospel crusades and church planting are extremely fruitful. Our first crusade in South Asia was $30,000, and there were over 11,769 decisions for Christ, and 6 churches were planted. This is real fruit! For just a couple of dollars an unreached person came to Christ. What an incredible return on your investment!
Please pray about what the Lord would have you do in 2016. Please consider partnering with me on a monthly basis or with a one time gift so I can continue to take the gospel to the unreached. Click on the "Partner" tab above for more information.
Thank you so much for your prayers and partnership!
Together, we are bringing in the harvest!
November, 2015
5,075 souls come to Jesus in Asia! I just returned from Asia where we had a 4 night Gospel Crusade and a pastor’s conference. I am celebrating what Jesus did! Initially, we were going to use auto rickshaws to pick up the lost in 55 villages, but our outreach expanded to 82 surrounding villages. The people that came to the crusade were in the lowest caste of society and were extremely poor. The area was only 2-3% Christian, but the people were very open to the gospel!
Ministering the last night of the crusade
Over this 4 night crusade 18,000 were in attendance! The power of God touched many, and 5,075 souls made a decision for Jesus and were given a copy of the Gospel of John! Many of these precious people were completely unreached and served other gods and idols. We made it a priority to connect the people to the local churches and pastors. I am already hearing reports that the local churches are exploding with new converts! My heart has always been that those that come to Christ at our crusades would be connected to the local churches for discipleship, and it’s happening! Praise God!
The Lord confirmed his word with signs and wonders. Here are a few notable healings and miracles:
Jesus healed this man's fractured arm!
One man came to the meeting with a broken arm and he was in extreme pain. The last night of the crusade Jesus touched him and healed his arm and all the pain is gone! He left all of his bandages and wrappings behind as he no longer needed them!
Jesus restored this man's vision!
A man came to the meeting who was desperate to get a touch from God. His vision was completely blurred for 1 month as a result of cataracts. He could not see anything. After prayer the Lord healed his cataracts and now he can see perfectly!
Jesus healed this woman's broken leg and now all the pain is gone!
There was a woman that fell from a ladder 9 months ago and she was not able to walk on her left leg. Jesus healed her leg the last night of the crusade. She can now use her leg perfectly and all the pain is gone!
Ministering at the pastors conference in South Asia
I also had a 2 day conference in South Asia with over 200 Pastors and leaders.
Many of them did not believe in the power and the work of the Holy Spirit. So many were touched and filled by the Holy Spirit and I know these Pastors and leaders will never be the same! It was such an honor to minister to them.
Click on the "Partner" tab above, if you would like to partner with me in taking the gospel to the unreached! Together, let's bring in the harvest!
November, 2015
I fly out to South Asia in just a few days, and I am ready for a powerful Gospel Crusade that starts November 19th. I will also be having a fire conference with 225 pastors and church leaders!
Crusade planning meeting in South Asia
This will be my biggest crusade of the year. I am believing for a massive outpouring of the Holy Spirit; with tens of thousands of salvations, signs, wonders and miracles. The area I am going to is only 2% Christian. We are taking busses into 55 villages so the unreached can come to the crusade. Please stand in prayer with me. I will be putting updates on my Facebook page to keep people posted.
Prayer points:
1) Salvation for the unreached
2) Pray that nothing hinders people from coming
3) Signs, wonders, and miracles
4) That I preach the gospel under the anointing of the
Holy Spirit
5) Pastors and leaders to be equipped and touched
6) Protection for spiritual and physical attack
7) Favor with the local authorities
8) Effective follow up after the crusade
Together, let's bring in the harvest!
Paul Maurer
September, 2015
I just returned to the states from a very fruitful two month long ministry trip to Asia. I am amazed at what the Lord did. The Lord has given me such a heart for Asia and I feel such a grace when I minister there.
In South Asia I ministered in an area where the people were in the lowest caste of society, and they were extremely poor. The people were unreached, but they were very open to the gospel. I went with a mentor of mine who has done extensive work with this people group, and as a result of his labor dozens of churches have been planted, and 35,000 former unreached people are now serving Jesus!
The tent we set up for the crusade
I worked with a true apostle who has planted over 100 churches. When I met him he told me that he had been praying for 5 years for God to bring an missionary - evangelist so he could continue to plant churches in the unreached areas of the hill country. He was even considering entering into retirement. It looks like I was the answer to his prayers, and now he has fresh vision to plant more churches in the unreached areas of South Asia!
We did a 3 night crusade in the hill country of South Asia. It was in an area of 5,000 people and there were no churches or Christians. Before the crusade even started people complained to the police and tried to shut down our meetings. But we had favor with the authorities and we had no problems thereafter.
Praying for the sick at the crusade
The crusade was amazing! I preached a simple gospel message, and almost every person responded to the call of salvation! You have to remember these people are all of a different religion and they are completely unreached! Throughout the 3 night crusade several were healed in their body as well. We had hundreds of people fill out a decision card. What an honor to lift up the name of Jesus in an area where the gospel has not penetrated.
Sharing the gospel at the crusade
Some of the precious people that came to the crusade
Jesus healed this woman's shoulder. She could not use her arm for 3 years!
During the crusade we told the people that we had another meeting on Sunday morning where they could learn more about Jesus in a building right next to the crusade grounds. This was a brand new church plant! Almost 100 former unreached people came to the church meeting! It's hard to describe the joy you feel when you preach the gospel to unreached people, and they give their life to Jesus, and then they start attending a church to be discipled
As a result of the crusade this church was planted! This is the very first church in this area.
The apostle I worked with raised up a pastor that relocated his family to live among and pastor these precious people. This is the first church in a completely unreached area that was dominated by idolatry! Praise God! Please be praying for the new pastor and the new church plant.
The generous contributions of my partners paid for the rent on the church building for a year so these precious people can continue to meet and be discipled.
If you would like to partner with me to take the gospel to those that have never heard please click on the "PARTNER" link above.
I had the incredible opportunity of being able to minister to 200 pastors and church leaders at the pastors conference. I had two sessions and the pastors were very encouraged and blessed!
July 31, 2015
I just arrived in Asia about a week ago and the Lord is doing AMAZING things! I have already shared at several underground church meetings, and have had several divine appointments with people on the street and at coffee shops.
Recently I was sharing at a low key small group meeting here in Asia. A woman asked me to pray for her because she needed healing in her body, and she also had been dealing with strange demonic attacks for 11 years.
As soon as I laid my hand on her and started praying she went completely crazy! She started growling and screaming and her body was contorting with weird movements. She was possessed by demonic spirits.
I took authority and told the demons they must leave, and bow their knee to Jesus. One by one I heard a loud scream as the evil spirits were leaving her. I counted 7 demonic spirits that left her. The Holy Spirit was doing a deep work in her heart, and she said that she needed to forgive several people.
I walked her through the importance of forgiving others, and she chose to forgive and let it go. The scripture says when we don't forgive others that we open the door to the tormentors (evil spirits). Mt 18:23-25. I really believe this woman became demonized when she developed bitterness and unforgiveness... Her freedom came when she chose to let it go and give it all to Jesus.
Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil! The name of Jesus is truly the name above every name!
Jesus set this woman free from 7 demonic spirits!
May, 2015
After Pakistan I was home for 6 days and then I left again for my Indian gospel Crusade. It was in the state of Andhra Pradesh in the city of Peddapally. This area was only 1% Christian. Most of the people in this area are Hindu. I have an Evangelist friend that was in India just a few weeks before this crusade, and he was forced to shut down his meetings because of death threats from radical Hindus. We went forward with my crusade and we did not receive any threats. One day while I was out the police came to the hotel where I was staying. My crusade coordinator showed them the permits he received for the crusade and they eventually left. God’s hand was at work!
The 3rd night of my Gospel Crusade in India
The Lord did incredible things at this crusade! Over the 4 nights of meetings, thousands were in attendance. There was a total of 3,050 decision cards that were filled out from those who wanted to receive Christ! The Lord always confirmed his Word with signs, miracles, and wonders. There were many but here are some of the notable ones…
Jesus restored this deaf woman's hearing!
An elderly woman who was completely deaf was healed! The third night of the crusade this woman testified that she was demonized the last 10 years, and as a result she lost her hearing and became deaf. She said that during the prayer time for the sick she was set free from the evil spirit, and her hearing was restored! I did a follow up interview with her daughter and nephew and they both were a witness that her testimony was 100% true!
Jesus healed this man's blind eye!
An older man’s blind eye opened during the prayer time for the sick. This man testified that during the third night of the crusade that the Lord opened his right eye. I tested out the sight in his right eye and sure enough he could see perfectly!
I had a powerful pastors conference in South Asia!
I did a Pastors conference in India with 67 pastors and church leaders. I spoke on the gifts of the Spirit, and then I prayed for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Many were filled and received a fresh touch from the Lord. It was such a powerful time!
The Lord opened a door to share about the crusade on secular television
On the third day of the crusade a local secular TV station wanted to do an interview with me. I agreed and during the interview they wanted me to tell the people about the crusade and why I was in India. So I told them, “I have come to this nation to lift up the name of Jesus, and to be a blessing to the people of India. If you need forgiveness of sin, salvation, healing, or deliverance come to the meeting tonight and tomorrow night because Jesus wants to touch you.” This interview played on the secular TV network in the whole region for 2 days! This is very significant because this is a HINDU nation.
If you would like to partner with me to take the gospel to unreached please click on the "PARTNER" link above to see how you can partner with me.
MAY 5th, 2015
Pray for the Gospel Crusade in South Asia! (May 14-17)
I fly out for another 4-night gospel crusade in an undisclosed location in South Asia in just a few hours! The area where we will have the crusade is only 1% Christian and there are 128 villages in this unreached city. We will be sending vans and busses into these villages so that these precious people can hear the good news of Jesus. I will also be doing a pastors conference and will be ministering at a local church.
I will preach a clear gospel message and pray for the sick. Last week at my Pakistan crusade I saw the Lord confirm his Word with amazing miracles and healings (Blind eyes and deaf ears opening, goiters and tumors disappearing, the demonized being set free) I am expecting the Lord to do even greater at this crusade. These unreached people need to see that Jesus is alive and they often come to Him when they see the miracles.
My crusade coordinator planning the crusade in South Asia
Please agree with me in prayer that thousands of unreached people have an encounter with Jesus!
I have very significant financial needs so I can continue to reach the unreached. Please click on the "PARTNER" link above to see how you can partner with me.
Together, lets bring in the harvest!
Paul Maurer
APRIL 26, 2015
Gospel Crusade in South Asia
Day 4 - From DARKNESS to the LIGHT!
South Asia has some of the most unreached nations in the world where Christians face severe persecution. Every day our precious brothers and sister in Christ risk their lives for the sake of the gospel.
Tonight was the last night of the crusade and thousands responded the call of salvation! I was overwhelmed at the response of the people.
I also prayed for a mass baptism of the Holy Spirit and many were filled.
Tonight incredible miracles took place.
1) Several demon possessed women were set free. One woman started manifesting as I was praying for the baptism. Once the evil spirit took control of her body somebody threw her up on the platform. I took authority in Christ and casted out the demonic spirit. She came up and testified later that she was completely free after years of torment.
2) A young woman had a tumor on her right hand and it disfigured her hand and fingers. During the prayer time the tumor completely disappeared. Her father was present and testified that everything she shared was true.
3) A woman testified that she had an infected goiter (growth) on her neck and it disappeared during the prayer time.
The unreached heard the gospel, miracles happened, the demonized were set free, and Jesus was glorified!
Reaching the Unreached,
Paul Maurer
APRIL 24, 2015
Gospel Crusade in South Asia
Day 2 - Miracles breakout in Asia!
Tonight thousands gathered to attend my open air crusade in South Asia! This undisclosed country is one of the most unreached in the world.
I preached a clear gospel message and gave an invitation to make Jesus Lord. I was shocked as the response! Thousands made a decision for Christ!
Ministering in South Asia the 2nd night of the crusade
This woman testified that she was completely blind in her right eye and now she she perfectly!
This father testified that his daughter had a huge protruding goiter (growth) in her neck and during the prayer time it vanished!
Jesus confirmed his word with signs, miracles, and wonders. Here are some notable healing and miracles.
I gave a word of knowledge that the Lord was healing a woman who had cataracts. A woman came up to testify that she was blind in her right eye and had cataracts in her other eye. She said that her whole village knew that her eye was blind. She went through 3 surgeries and nothing helped. The Lord completely healed her right eye and healed her of her cataracts in her left eye. She now sees perfectly and she was SO HAPPY!
I had a word of knowledge that a female was being healed of a goiter (growth) in her neck. During testimony time a father brought his daughter up and shared that she had a protruding goiter (growth) on her neck and when the Word of Knowledge was given it shrank and disappeared! (SEE THE VIDEO ABOVE)
A woman was in severe pain from kidney stones. She said the Lord healed her and all of the pain was gone! She believed the kidney stones have disappeared.
These are just a few of the healings and miracles that took place tonight in this extremely dark area of the world.
Please be praying for the rest of the crusade! Thanks for your prayers and partnership! The unreached are coming to Jesus.
Reaching the Unreached,
Paul Maurer
APRIL 23, 2015
Gospel Crusade in South Asia
Day 1 - The IMPOSSIBLE becomes POSSIBLE!
Because this crusade was in a dangerous location, many said it would not be possible. There was a suicide bombing in the country just a few weeks ago. People were full of fear and the government was not allowing any meetings outside of a church to take place. God had other plans! Just a few weeks ago everything miraculously came together and the crusade went forward! We had major favor from the local authorities.
We sent busses into 67 different villages to bring the unreached to the crusade. Last night, a few thousand unreached people came to hear the good news of Jesus!
Preaching the gospel the first night of the crusade.
Binding demonic spirits and praying for the sick
This woman testified that she could barely hear out of both of her ears and now she has perfect hearing!
I preached a clear gospel message and when I gave the alter call, I was shocked at how many unreached people wanted to give their life to Jesus! It seemed as if every hand was raised!
The Lord gave me several Words of knowledge about various ailments. I prayed for the sick and I saw Jesus perform miracles right in front of my eyes!
1: A precious older woman was deaf in her left ear and the Lord opened her ear and now she has perfect hearing!
2: A woman who was nearsighted and could not see anything up close was completely healed and now has perfect vision.
3: A young man that was nearsighted was completely healed and now can see with perfect vision.
Please be praying for the rest of the crusade! The unreached are coming to Jesus, miracles and healings are taking place, and Jesus is being glorified!
Reaching the unreached,
Cover the Earth has been making plans and preparations for a large-scale gospel campaign in South Asia that will take place April 23-26. Because of security issues I cannot tell you the exact location. The area is 99.7% Muslim and only 0.2% Christian.
This region has a higher number of unreached individuals per Christian worker than any place in the world. There are 144 unreached people groups in the area and we will be sending busses to 80 different unreached villages so they can attend the meetings and hear the good news of Jesus! Several churches will be planted from the crusade!
The Lord has really given me a heart for the unreached of South Asia. So many have never heard the gospel. In this region I am doing a pastor’s conference with 200 persecuted pastors for a week. Most of them are very poor and so I will be paying for all of their food and accommodations for the week. I consider it to be an honor to invest into our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ.
Following the pastors conference will be a four-night gospel campaign. Here I will preach a crystal clear gospel message and pray for the sick. I am believing for notable healings and miracles, and that tens of thousands of Muslims to have an encounter with Jesus Christ!
Please consider partnering with me with your prayers and financial partnership to bring the gospel to those that have never heard. As Jesus said, The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. For about every dollar you give an unreached soul will come into the kingdom. Together, lets bring in the harvest!
Reaching the unreached,
Paul Maurer